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The fishing industry and Pacific coastal communities : understanding the assessment of economic impacts

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  • People interested in economic stability or economic development in coastal communities are often interest­ed in estimating the impact of changes or proposed changes on the economy. Such changes may result from plans, policies, or projects of public agencies, or from marketing strategies of private businesses. In coastal communities where fisheries are important, changes in fish availability due to regulatory or natural causes, closures of fish processing plants, and the development of fishing vessel facilities are examples of typical changes with important impacts on local economies. Local citizens are also interested in forecasting changes in business activity, employment, population, and public service demands. Economic input/output (1/0) models are often used to estimate the impact of resource changes or to calculate the contributions of an industry to local economies. This publication is designed both as an introduction to input/output models and as a guide to the proper use of economic impact terminology. The use of economic jargon is minimized, and a glossary is included on page 9. This publication grew out of concerns about the lack of understanding and improper use of input/output (1/0) models. This lack of understanding or misuse of 1/0 models is especially troublesome in situations where groups with opposing views come up with very different estimates of economic impacts. In an attempt to clarify the use of 1/0 models, the Pacific Sea Grant College Program and the Pacific Fishery Management Council held a workshop in February 1986 to discuss 1/0 models. Participants included resource economists, fishing industry representatives, and fisheries managers. This publication is one of the products of that workshop.
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