Administrative Report Or Publication

Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center : 2007 annual report

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  • The Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center (COARC) faculty and staff are pleased to present a summary of research activities conducted during 2007. The thirty reports in this publication focus on vegetable seed (6), grass seed (7), forages and cereals (4), potatoes and peppermint (3), potential new crops (7) and rangeland and non-crop areas (3). We welcome you to peruse through the report, read a few abstract and perhaps read the entire report on topics of particular interest. Over the last year we have met with a significant number of industry representatives and growers to get your input on how we can best meet the needs of the agricultural community. We would like to thank each of your for your interest in what we do, and for taking time to discuss issues that affect you. In addition, the COARC Advisory Council annually rates proposed research projects for relevance to the local agricultural industry. This provides information helpful to faculty in make appropriate adjustments in focus and time commitment. Some projects are conducted at the COARC Madras and Powell Butte locations, while others are more appropriately conducted with grower cooperators in commercial fields. A number of projects are joint efforts between local researchers and researchers on campus, other branch stations, or other agencies. An example is the bitterbrush plots with National Forest Service (NFS) researchers. In addition, COARC is establishing a landscape, fruit and vegetable demonstration garden and student learning center to broaden our impact with the local community. This will increase relevance, support from local citizens, and provide an interface where they will become familiar with agriculture-related issues. We are excited about the possibilities this opportunity will provide.
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