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Effects of dieldrin on the growth and development of steelhead trout

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  • Experiments were conducted to determine survival, growth, and accumulation of HEOD (major component of dieldrin) in the tissues of steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) embryos, alevins, and fry exposed to dieldrin concentrations ranging from 0.012 to 52 ppb. The fish were held in specially designed exposure chambers provided with continuously renewed water for periods as long as 130 days. Eggs (embryos) exposed to dieldrin concentrations as high as 52 ppb from time of fertilization survived as well as controls through hatching; however, the mean weight of the newly-hatched aIevins (minus yolk material) was reduced by high dieldrin concentration in the water. Alevins were much more sensitive to dieldrin than were embryos; their survival was reduced at all concentrations above 0.39 ppb. Trout fry, whose survival was unaffected at dieldrin levels of 0.12 ppb and lower, quickly succumbed at 0.39 ppb and higher test concentrations. HEOD accumulated in the yolk material and the embryo during development. The intensity of these accumulations was found to be directly related to the dieldrin level in the water. HEOD continued to accumulate in the fry throughout the test period, and the residue levels remained dependent on the exposure concentration. Growth rates of the test fish were reduced at dieldrin concentrations above 0.12 ppb.
  • Published April 1970. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog:
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