
Motor skills and calibrated autism severity in young children with autism

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  • In addition to the core characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) motor skill deficits are present, persistent and pervasive across age. Although motor skill deficits have been indicated in young children with autism they have not been included in the primary discussion of early intervention content. 159 young children with a confirmed diagnosis of ASD (n=110), PDD-NOS (n=26) and non-ASD (n=23) between the ages of 14-33 months participated in this study.¹ The univariate general linear model (GLM) tested the relationship of fine and gross motor skills on social communicative skills (using calibrated autism severity scores). Fine motor skills motor skills significantly predicted calibrated autism severity (p < 0.05). Children with weaker motor skills have greater social communicative skill deficits. Future directions and the role of motor skills in early intervention are discussed.
  • Keywords: calibrated severity, motor skills, young children, autism
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  • MacDonald, M., Lord, C., & Ulrich, D. A. (2014). Motor skills and calibrated autism severity in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly : APAQ, 31(2), 95-105. doi:10.1123/apaq.2013-0068
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 31
Journal Issue/Number
  • 2
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Support for this project was provided in part from funding awarded to Dr. Lord from theSimons Foundation, First Words, and the following grants: NICHD U19 HD35482-01. TheNeurobiology and Genetic of Autism. 06/01/97-05/31/07 (Lord). NIMH RO1 MH081873-01A1. Longitudinal Studies of Autism Spectrum Disorders: 2 to 23. 09/01/08-05/31/13(Lord). Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Michigan Grant Motor skills, calibratedseverity & autism number 1687.SAP (MacDonald).
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