
Spatial and Temporal Variability of the M2 Internal Tide Generation and Propagation on the Oregon Shelf

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  • A 1-km-horizontal-resolution model based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System is implemented along the Oregon coast to study average characteristics and intermittency of the M₂ internal tide during summer upwelling. Wind-driven and tidally driven flows are simulated in combination, using realistic bathymetry, atmospheric forcing, and boundary conditions. The study period is April through August 2002, when mooring velocities are available for comparison. Modeled subtidal and tidal variability on the shelf are in good quantitative agreement with moored velocity time series observations. Depth-integrated baroclinic tidal energy flux (EF), its divergence, and topographic energy conversion (TEC) from the barotropic to baroclinic tide are computed from high-pass-filtered, harmonically analyzed model results in a series of 16-day time windows. Model results reveal several “hot spots” of intensive TEC on the slope. At these locations, TEC is well balanced by EF divergence. Changes in background stratification and currents associated with wind-driven upwelling and downwelling do not appreciably affect TEC hot spot locations but may affect intensity of internal tide generation at those locations. Relatively little internal tide is generated on the shelf. Areas of supercritical slope near the shelf break partially reflect baroclinic tidal energy to deeper water, contributing to spatial variability in seasonally averaged on-shelf EF. Despite significant temporal and spatial variability in the internal tide, the alongshore-integrated flux of internal tide energy onto the Oregon shelf, where it is dissipated, does not vary much with time. Approximately 65% of the M₂ baroclinic tidal energy generated on the slope is dissipated there, and the rest is radiated toward the shelf and interior ocean in roughly equal proportions. An experiment with smoother bathymetry reveals that slope-integrated TEC is more sensitive to bathymetric roughness than on-shelf EF.
  • KEYWORDS: Continental shelf/slope, Tides, Internal waves, Hindcasts, North Pacific Ocean, Regional models
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Date Issued
  • Osborne, J. J., A. L. Kurapov, G. D. Egbert, P. M. Kosro, 2011: Spatial and Temporal Variability of the M2 Internal Tide Generation and Propagation on the Oregon Shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41, 2037–2062. doi:
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 41
Journal Issue/Number
  • 11
Academic Affiliation
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This research was supported by NSF (Grants OCE-0648314 and OCE-1030922), the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Physical Oceanography Program (Grants N000140810942 and N000141010745), NOAA-CIOSS, and NOAA-IOOS (NANOOS).



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