
Trends in Population Density and Dam Concentration within International River Basins

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  • The Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (TFDD) is a multifaceted global database that began in 1996 and includes a collection of international freshwater treaties, a database of water conflict-cooperation events, and a spatial database. Delineations of transboundary international river basin boundaries are the focus of the spatial database of which population, dam concentration, water stress, and climate type are just a few of the attributes plotted. The main objective of this research is to update two of the attributes in the spatial database: (1) population density and (2) dam concentration for transboundary international river basins and basin country units. This update began with identifying current sources for population and dam location data and incorporating these data into ESRI ArcMap. Analysis of the data was completed by integration with the current TFDD spatial delineations. Through this, the population density and dam concentration per basin and basin country unit were calculated. The general trend found is a global increase in population; however, a number of basins had very little increases in population, such as the Amazon Basin, and some basins had large population increases, such as the Zambezi and Limpopo basins in Southern Africa. The concentration of dams shows a greater number of existing dams in river basins in industrialized countries. Within less developed countries, there are more dams proposed for construction. Because so many people rely on the water from international basins, it is important to be aware of the trends in population and dam planning, as these can influence the potential for cooperation and conflict. Based on this research, we can identify areas with rapidly growing populations that intend to construct a significant number of dams in the coming years.
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  • Shaver, J., McCracken, M., Wolf, A., 2018. Trends in Population Density and Dam Concentration within International River Basins, Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation, Oregon State University, [Accessed Day Month Year.]
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  • Oregon State University - CH2M Hill Alumni Center
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