
The Impact of SST Specification on ECMWF Surface Wind Stress Fields in the Eastern Tropical Pacific

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  • The impact of SST specification on low-level winds in the operational ECMWF numerical weather prediction model is investigated in the eastern tropical Pacific from comparisons of ECMWF wind stress fields with QuikSCAT satellite scatterometer observations of wind stress during the August–December cold seasons of 2000 and 2001. These two time periods bracket the 9 May 2001 change from the Reynolds SST analyses to the Real-Time Global SST (RTG_SST) analyses as the ocean boundary condition in the ECMWF model. The ocean–atmosphere interaction in the eastern tropical Pacific that is clearly evident in QuikSCAT wind stress divergence and curl fields is also evident in the ECMWF winds, but is more than twice as strong in the 2001 cold season as in the 2000 cold season, due primarily to the improved spatial and temporal resolution of the RTG_SST analyses compared with the Reynolds SST analyses. While a significant improvement compared with 2000, the response of the 2001 ECMWF wind stress field to SST is only about half as strong as the coupling inferred from QuikSCAT data and satellite observations of SST from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI). It is concluded that the underrepresentation of the ocean–atmosphere coupling is attributable partly to underrepresentation of SST gradients in the RTG_SST fields and partly to inadequacies of the ECWMF model. The latter may be due to errors in the parameterization of boundary layer processes or to insufficient horizontal or vertical resolution in the model.
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  • Chelton, Dudley B., 2005: The Impact of SST Specification on ECMWF Surface Wind Stress Fields in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Journal of Climate, 18, 530–550.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 18
Journal Issue/Number
  • 4
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This research was supported by NASA Grant NAS5-32965.
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