
Intraseasonal Sea Surface Temperature Variability across the Indonesian Seas

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  • Sea surface temperature (SST) variability at intraseasonal time scales across the Indonesian Seas during January 1998–mid-2012 is examined. The intraseasonal variability is most energetic in the Banda and Timor Seas, with a standard deviation of 0.4°–0.5°C, representing 55%–60% of total nonseasonal SST variance. A slab ocean model demonstrates that intraseasonal air–sea heat flux variability, largely attributed to the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO), accounts for 69%–78% intraseasonal SST variability in the Banda and Timor Seas. While the slab ocean model accurately reproduces the observed intraseasonal SST variations during the northern winter months, it underestimates the summer variability. The authors posit that this is a consequence of a more vigorous cooling effect induced by ocean processes during the summer. Two strong MJO cycles occurred in late 2007–early 2008, and their imprints were clearly evident in the SST of the Banda and Timor Seas. The passive phase of the MJO [enhanced outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and weak zonal wind stress) projects on SST as a warming period, while the active phase (suppressed OLR and westerly wind bursts) projects on SST as a cooling phase. SST also displays significant intraseasonal variations in the Sulawesi Sea, but these differ in characteristics from those of the Banda and Timor Seas and are attributed to ocean eddies and atmospheric processes independent from the MJO.
  • Keywords: Circulation, Variability, Dynamics, Intraseasonal variability, Atmosphere-ocean interaction, Oceanic variability
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  • Napitu, A. M., Gordon, A. L., & Pujiana, K. (2015). Intraseasonal Sea Surface Temperature Variability across the Indonesian Seas. Journal of Climate, 28(22), 8710-8727. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00758.1
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 28
Journal Issue/Number
  • 22
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Peer Reviewed



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