
Internet-Accessible Information Resources

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  • The Internet is one of the first manifestations of the revolution being brought about by the merger of telecommunications and computing. Its promise has captured the collective imagination of information professionals. This selected bibliography explores the literature about Internet-accessible information resourc­es. Begun as a project focusing on online public access catalogs (OPACs), the effort was expanded to include information on other materials available via the "Tel­net" command. Related capabilities such as BITNET discussion groups and file transfer protocol are also covered in some of the abstracts, since information on several functionalities is frequently included in the same article. The bibliography is divided into four subject areas: OPACs, guides and directories, technological aspects, and other information resources. Books and _periodical articles are included. Book reviews and announcements of new products or services were considered out of scope. In each subject area, resources are arranged in reverse year order, and further alphabetized by author within each year grouping. As befits a new technology, the literature to date emphasizes what it is possible to do rather than what is being done. Future literature searches will undoubt­edly show an increasing number of articles on how Internet resources are being used. This is a beginning effort to provide bibliographic control for a literature that is expanding rapidly. Readers who know of corrections or additions are invited to contact the compilers.
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  • Sapon-White, Richard E., and Elaine Yontz. "Internet-Accessible Information Resources." Library Hi Tech Bibliography 8 (1993): 93-115.
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  • 8
Non-Academic Affiliation
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Peer Reviewed



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