
Spatial Distribution of Surface Fluxes Estimated from Remotely Sensed Variables

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  • This study relates surface fluxes to remotely sensed variables over well-defined variations of surface wetness and vegetation. The surface fluxes are estimated from repeated Twin Otter aircraft flights at 33 m above the surface after correcting for advection and local storage between the aircraft level and the surface. An extensive analysis of flux errors due to finite sample size over heterogeneous terrain is performed. The resulting surface energy budget seems to balance only if mesoscale fluxes are included. The spatial variation of the surface fluxes and atmospheric temperature and moisture are well predicted for these specific surface conditions by a model based on the normalized difference of vegetation index and brightness temperatures of channels 4 and 5 from the NOAA-11 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer.
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  • Sun, Jielun, L. Mahrt, 1994: Spatial Distribution of Surface Fluxes Estimated from Remotely Sensed Variables. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33, 1341–1353.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 33
Journal Issue/Number
  • 11
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This material is based upon work supported by Grant DAA H04-93-G-0019 from the Army Research Office and Grant ATM-8912736 from the Physical Meteorology Program of the National Science Foundation. Part of the analysis and the field program was sponsored by California Air Resources Board. Funding for the Twin Otter research aircraft was provided by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Study Agency, in collaboration with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, The Electric Power Research Institute, and the California Air Resources Board, and by the National Research Council of Canada.



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