
Epidemiology and Population Biology of Pseudoperonospora cubensis: A Model System for Management of Downy Mildews

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  • The resurgence of cucurbit downy mildew has dramatically influenced production of cucurbits and disease management systems at multiple scales. Long-distance dispersal is a fundamental aspect of epidemic development that influences the timing and extent of outbreaks of cucurbit downy mildew. The dispersal potential of Pseudoperonospora cubensis appears to be limited primarily by sporangia production in source fields and availability of susceptible hosts and less by sporangia survival during transport. Uncertainty remains regarding the role of locally produced inoculum in disease outbreaks, but evidence suggests multiple sources of primary inoculum could be important. Understanding pathogen diversity and population differentiation is a critical aspect of disease management and an active research area. Underpinning advances in our understanding of pathogen biology and disease management has been the research capacity and coordination of stakeholders, scientists, and extension personnel. Concepts and approaches developed in this pathosystem can guide future efforts when responding to incursions of new or reemerging downy mildew pathogens.
  • Keywords: disease management, mating type, pathotype, Bayesian prediction, risk assessment, genomics
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  • Ojiambo, P. S., Gent, D. H., Quesada-Ocampo, L. M., Hausbeck, M. K., & Holmes, G. J. (2015). Epidemiology and Population Biology of Pseudoperonospora cubensis: A Model System for Management of Downy Mildews. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 53, 223-246. doi:10.1146/annurev-phyto-080614-120048
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  • 53
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Peer Reviewed



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