
Colonization of the Pacific by Bembidion beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with description of Bembidion tahitiense, sp. nov., from Tahiti, French Polynesia

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  • Bembidion (Sloanephila) tahitiense, sp. nov., is described from Mont Mauru, an isolated massif of Tahiti Nui volcano. Based upon evidence from seven genes (four nuclear protein-coding, one mitochondrial protein-coding, two nuclear ribosomal), its sister group is the Australian B. jacksoniense Guérin-Méneville, with which it shares a synapomorphic spur on the ostium of the male genitalia. In contrast to B. jacksoniense, B. tahitiense is brachypterous, with rounded humeri, constricted posterior pronotal margins, and convex body form. Examination of the seven genes in two species of the Hawaiian subgenus Nesocidium Sharp reveals that the sister group of Nesocidium is subgenus Zecillenus Lindroth from New Zealand. These two subgenera belong to the Ananotaphus Complex, a clade inhabiting Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii. The relationships of the second Hawaiian subgenus, Gnatholymnaeum Sharp, are less clear, although Gnatholymnaeum belongs to the Bembidion Series (along with Sloanephila and the Ananotaphus Complex). Bembidion beetles colonized the Society and Hawaiian Islands independently from source areas in the southwest Pacific. Based on parsimonious reconstructions of flight-wing configuration, the Tahitian and Hawaiian colonizations involved winged individuals. Colonization of the Society and Hawaiian Islands by carabid beetles of two other tribes—Platynini and Moriomorphini—follow the dispersal patterns hypothesized for Bembidion.
  • Keywords: dispersal, biogeography, brachyptery, speciation
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Date Available
Date Issued
  • Liebherr, J.K., & Maddison, D.R. (2013). Colonisation of the Pacific by Bembidion beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with description of Bembidion tahitiense, sp. nov. from Tahiti, French Polynesia. Invertebrate Systematics, 27(4), 439-449. doi:10.1071/IS13003
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 27
Journal Issue/Number
  • 4
Academic Affiliation
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This project was supported by N.S.F. award DEB–0451971, Survey of terrestrial arthropods of French Polynesia; R.G. Gillespie principal investigator. DNA sequencing was supported by the Harold E. and Leona M. Rice Endowment Fund at Oregon State University.
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