
Do lagoon physiography and hydrology determine the physico-chemical properties and trophic status of coastal lagoons? A comparative approach

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  • Coastal lagoons are very heterogeneous systems covering a wide range of physiographical and hydrological characteristics. The hypothesis of the present investigation was to test physiographical and hydrological characteristics of coastal lagoons affecting their physico-chemical properties and their buffer capacity against nutrient enrichment. We compared data collected during a whole annual cycle in six coastal lagoons which were representative of the different lagoon types proposed by Kjerfve (1986) and were subjected to different anthropogenic pressures. The higher exchange of water with sea in the leaky lagoon of Ria Formosa (type 3) reduced the seasonal differences in the physico-chemical variables and increased the buffer capacity against nutrient enrichment when compared to the restricted (type 2) and chocked (type 1) lagoon types. The lagoon types also registered important differences regarding nutrient limitation, with types 1 and 2 being P-limited and type 3 being N-limited. The results of such a work, could be applied to other coastal lagoons being the systems studied in the current work representative of transitional water types in order to provide general framework for a rational management and policy strategies of coastal lagoons.
  • Keywords: lagoon types, physiographical and hydrological features, eutrophication, coastal lagoons, nutrient enrichment
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  • Roselli, L., Canedo-Arguelles, M., Costa Goela, P., Cristina, S., Rieradevall, M., D'Adamo, R., & Newton, A. (2013). Do physiography and hydrology determine the physico-chemical properties and trophic status of coastal lagoons? A comparative approach. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 117, 29-36. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.09.014
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  • 117
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The Llobregat Delta lagoons were sampled within the frame of a project financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Lesina and Varano lagoons sampling was supported by Regione Puglia, Assessorato alle Risorse Agroalimentari, settore caccia e pesca (P.O.R. 2000/06). The collaboration between the authors was in part possible thanks to the ERASMUS Programme and Short Term Mobility Programme by CNR, which financed respectively, the stay of M. Cañedo-Argüelles and L. Roselli at Algarve University.
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