
A COMSOL-GEMS interface for modeling coupled reactive-transport geochemical processes

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  • An interface was developed between COMSOL Multiphysics™ finite element analysis software and (geo)chemical modeling platform, GEMS, for the reactive-transport modeling of (geo)chemical processes in variably saturated porous media. The two standalone software packages are managed from the interface that uses a non-iterative operator splitting technique to couple the transport (COMSOL) and reaction (GEMS) processes. The interface allows modeling media with complex chemistry (e.g. cement) using GEMS thermodynamic database formats. Benchmark comparisons show that the developed interface can be used to predict a variety of reactive-transport processes accurately. The full functionality of the interface was demonstrated to model transport processes, governed by extended Nernst–Plank equation, in Class H Portland cement samples in high pressure and temperature autoclaves simulating systems that are used to store captured carbon dioxide (CO₂) in geological reservoirs.
  • Keywords: Finite element method, Reactive-transport modeling, Multiphysics, GEMS, (Geo)chemical modeling, Porous media
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  • Azad, V. J., Li, C., Verba, C., Ideker, J. H., & Isgor, O. B. (2016). A COMSOL–GEMS interface for modeling coupled reactive-transport geochemical processes. Computers & Geosciences, 92, 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2016.04.002
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 92
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This work was completed as part of National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) research for the Department of Energy's Pacific Coast Carbon Storage Initiative. The study was supported by the DOE Office of Fossil Energy, (Grant no. RES1100426/014), under the Office of Oil and Natural Gas (Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 999 Complementary Program Research).
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