
Management of Pacific Rockfish

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  • The American Fisheries Society (AFS) recognizes the need for conservative and robust management of Pacific rockfishes because of naturally low population growth, the overfished state of many of the stocks, and complex nature of the mixed-stock fisheries (60-plus species). The AFS recommends that catch information be collected on a species-specific basis, and that management targets also be established on a species-specific basis including species taken as bycatch. Such management will require accurate studies of discards at sea. Reduction in rockfish discards should be a management priority in all fisheries which capture significant numbers of rockfish. The AFS further recommends establishment of adequate fishery independent surveys to more accurately assess and monitor rockfish stocks. The AFS supports the establishment of systems of Marine Protected Areas to protect the habitat of Pacific rockfish and to promote recovery of stocks. Such areas should be established along with traditional management measures to control fishing mortality. Regardless of the management strategy used, substantial decreases in fishing mortality must be achieved soon to avoid stock collapses. The AFS encourages its members to become involved by providing technical information needed for protection of rockfish to international, federal, state, and provincial policy makers so decisions are made on a scientific, rather than emotional or political, basis.
  • Keywords: bycatch, Pacific rockfish, Marine resources management, Marine protected area
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  • Parker, S. J., Berkeley, S. A., Golden, J. T., Gunderson, D. R., Heifetz, J. , Hixon, M. A., Larson, R. , Leaman, B. M., Love, M. S., Musick, J. A., O'Connell, V. M., Ralston, S. , Weeks, H. J. and Yoklavich, M. M. (2000), Management of Pacific Rockfish. Fisheries, 25: 22-30. doi:10.1577/1548-8446(2000)025<0022:MOPR>2.0.CO;2
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  • 25
Non-Academic Affiliation
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Peer Reviewed



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