
Fuzzy Sets to Describe Driver Behavior in the Dilemma Zone of High-Speed Signalized Intersections

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  • The Type II dilemma zone describes a segment of road on the approach to a signalized intersection where, if occupied by a motorist presented with the circular yellow indication, is likely to result in a motorist having difficulty deciding to stop at the stop line or proceed through the intersection. This phenomenon results in increased frequency of three failure conditions: rear-end collision at the stop line (excessive deceleration rates), the more severe right-angle crashes in the intersections, and left-turn head-on collisions (both resulting from incorrect estimates of clearance time). A more effective boundary definition for Type II dilemma zones could contribute to the safe design of signalized intersections. The prevailing approaches to dilemma zone delineation include the consideration of the vehicle’s travel time to the stop line or the driver’s likelihood of stopping at a particular distance from the stop line. The imprecision of the driver’s perception of speed and distance suggest that fuzzy logic may contribute to the identification of the Type II dilemma zone boundaries. A fuzzy logic (FL) model was constructed and validated from driver’s empirically observed behavior at high-speed signalized intersections. The research resulted in an increased understanding of the phenomenon which, when applied to the timing of signals and the placement of vehicle detection, can improve the overall safety of signalized intersections.
  • This is the authors' peer-reviewed accepted manuscript, which is copyrighted by Elsevier. The final version of record can be found here:
  • Keywords: Dilemma zone, Safety, Driver behavior, Signalized intersections
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Date Issued
  • Hurwitz, D. S., Wang, H., Knodler, Jr., M. A., Ni, D., & Moore, D. (2012, March). Fuzzy sets to describe driver behavior in the dilemma zone of high-speed signalized intersections. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15(2), 132-143. doi:10.1016/j.trf.2011.11.003
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 15
Journal Issue/Number
  • 2
Academic Affiliation
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The initial data collection for this research initiative was funded by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans).



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