
Determination of local material properties of OSB sample by coupling advanced imaging techniques and morphology-based FEM simulation

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  • The goal was to determine local mechanical properties inside of oriented strand board (OSB) based on a realistic morphology-based finite element (FE) model and data acquired from a physical test performed on the same material. The spatial information and local grayscale intensity from CT-scans obtained from small OSB sample was transformed into a 2D regular morphology-based FE mesh with corresponding material properties. The model was then used to simulate the actual compression test performed on the specimen using simplified boundary conditions. The simulated strain fields from the model were compared with the actual strain field measured on the specimen surface during the compression test by means of a full-field optical method, named digital image correlation (DIC). Finally, the original set of material properties was adjusted by an iterative procedure to minimize the difference between the simulated and the measured strain data. The results show that the developed procedure is useful to find local material properties as well as for morphological modeling without the need of segmentation of the image data. The achieved results serve as a prerequisite for full 3D analyses of the complex materials.
  • Keywords: Inverse problem methodology, OSB, Morphological modeling, Digital image correlation, Finite element method
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Date Issued
  • Sebera, V., & Muszynski, L. (2011). Determination of local material properties of OSB sample by coupling advanced imaging techniques and morphology-based FEM simulation. Holzforschung, 65(6), 811-818. doi: 10.1515/HF.2011.110
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 65
Journal Issue/Number
  • 6
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Peer Reviewed



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