
An experimental method for three-dimensional dynamic contact angle analysis

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  • Droplet dynamics analysis concerns the measurements of droplet volume, cap and base areas and contact angles, as they change in time to study evaporation, wettability, adhesion and other surface phenomena and properties. In a typical procedure, the two-dimensional measurements are based on a series of images recorded at successive stages of the experiment from a single view. Only a few basic dimensions of sessile droplets are commonly measured from such images, while many other quantities of interest are derived utilizing geometrical relationships. The reliability of these calculations is limited by the necessary assumption that the droplet shape can be approximated as a spherical cap. In reality, the sessile droplet shapes are influenced by gravity, liquid surface tension, local surface anisotropy and microstructure, which often produce non-spherical cap shapes. This paper describes an experimental methodology for determination of key parameters, such as volume and contact angle for dynamic sessile droplets that can be approximated either by spherical or ellipsoidal cap geometries. In this method, images collected simultaneously from three cameras positioned orthogonally to each other are used to record the dynamic behavior of non-spherical droplets. Droplet shape is approximated as an ellipsoid of arbitrary orientation with respect to the cameras, which allows determination of volume and contact angle along the base perimeter. A major advantage of this method is that the dynamic parameters of droplets on anisotropic surfaces can be determined even when the orientation of the axes changes throughout the droplet lifetime. The method is illustrated with experimental results for a spherical and an ellipsoidal droplet.
  • Keywords: dynamic droplet analysis, digital imaging, evaporation, ellipsoidal droplet, contact angle, spherical droplet, three-dimensional analysis
  • Keywords: dynamic droplet analysis, digital imaging, evaporation, ellipsoidal droplet, contact angle, spherical droplet, three-dimensional analysis
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Date Issued
  • Baptista, D., Muszynski, L., Gardner, D., & Atzema, E. (2012). An experimental method for three-dimensional dynamic contact angle analysis. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 26(18-19), 2199-2215. doi: 10.1163/156856111X610135
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 26
Journal Issue/Number
  • 18-19
Academic Affiliation
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The authors would like to thank the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for financially supporting this research under the NRI Competitive Grant Program / USDA award No. 2003-35103-12890, program 73.0, and the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service McIntire-Stennis program, Grant ME09615-03.
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