
Turbulent flow characteristics in a randomly packed porous bed based on particle image velocimetry measurements

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  • An experimental study was undertaken to better understand the turbulent flow characteristics within a randomly packed porous bed. A relatively low aspect ratio bed (bed width to spherical solid phase particle diameter of 4.67) with the fluid phase refractive index matched to that of the solid phase was used to obtain time resolved particle image velocimetry data. Care was taken to assure that data were outside of the wall affected region, and results are based on detailed time dependent velocity vector maps obtained at selected pores. In particular, four pores were identified that display a range of very disparate mean flow conditions which resemble channel-like flow, impinging flow, recirculating flow, and jet like flow. Velocity data were used for a range of pore Reynolds numbers, Re[subscript pore], from 418 to 3964 to determine the following turbulence measures: (i) turbulent kinetic energy components, (ii) turbulent shear production rate, (iii) integral Eulerian length and time scales, and (iv) energy spectra. The pore Reynolds number is based on the porous bed hydraulic diameter, D[subscript H] = φD[subscript B]/(1 − φ) where φ is bed porosity and D[subscript B] is solid phase bead diameter and average bed interstitial velocity, V[subscript int] = V[subscript Darcy]/φ, where V[subscript Darcy] = Q/A[subscript bed], with Q being the volumetric flow rate and A[subscript bed] the bed cross section normal to the flow. Results show that when scaled with the bed hydraulic diameter, D[subscript H], and average interstitial velocity, V[subscript int], these turbulence measures all collapse for Re[subscript pore], beyond approximately 2800, except that the integral scales collapse at a lower value near 1300–1800. These results show that the pore turbulence characteristics are remarkably similar from pore to pore and that scaling based on bed averaged variables like D[subscript H] and V[subscript int] characterizes their magnitudes despite very different mean flow conditions.
  • This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by the American Institute of Physics and can be found at: Copyright (2013) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.
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  • Patil, V. A. & Liburdy, J. A. (2013). Turbulent flow characteristics in a randomly packed porous bed based on particle image velocimetry measurements. Physics of Fluids, 25(4), 043304-043304-23. doi:10.1063/1.4802043
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 25
Journal Issue/Number
  • 4
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This study was supported in part by NSF through grant 0933857 under the Particulate and Multiphase Processing Program, Dr. Ashok S. Sangani, Project Manager, and is gratefully acknowledged.
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