
Paired windward and leeward biogeochemical time series reveal consistent surface ocean CO₂ trends across the Hawaiian Ridge

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  • Sustained time series have provided compelling evidence for progressive acidification of the surface oceans through exchange with the growing atmospheric reservoir of carbon dioxide. However, few long-term programs exist, and extrapolation of results from one site to larger oceanic expanses is hampered by the lack of spatial coverage inherent to Eulerian sampling. Since 1988, the Hawaii Ocean Time-series program has sampled CO₂ system variables nearly monthly at Station ALOHA, a deep ocean site windward and 115 km north of the island of Oahu. Surface measurements have also been made at Station Kahe, a leeward site 12 km from the island and on the opposite side of the Hawaiian Ridge. Despite having different physical settings, the sites exhibit identical rates of surface pCO₂ increase and hydrogen ion accumulation, suggesting that atmospheric forcing dominates over local dynamics in determining the CO₂ trend in the surface waters of the North Pacific subtropical gyre.
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  • Dore, J. E., Church, M. J., Karl, D. M., Sadler, D. W., & Letelier, R. M. (2014). Paired windward and leeward biogeochemical time series reveal consistent surface ocean CO₂ trends across the Hawaiian Ridge. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(18), 6459-6467. doi:10.1002/2014GL060725
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Journal Volume
  • 41
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  • 18
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This work was principally supported by the National Science Foundation (most recently through grant OCE-1260164), with additional contributions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Energy, the State of Hawaii, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
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