
Low-level jets in the NASA Ames Mars general circulation model

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  • Previous simulations of the Martian atmosphere have shown how topography acts to confine the low-level Hadley cell flow into intense jets on the eastern flanks of Tharsis and Syrtis Major. We now conduct detailed studies of these jets using the NASA Ames Mars general circulation model (MGCM). The structure of the flow is found to be sensitive to local topography as well as large-scale diabatic heating patters, consistent with terrestrial studies, and MGCM studies carried out with simplified topography. The summer subtropical zonal winds associated with the Hadley circulation also form spatially confined intense jet cores. Diurnal variations in heating affect jet structure in three distinct ways. Global tides interact with the jets, resulting in effects such as the two reinforcing each other at the summer subtropics near midday, leading to high winds and surface stresses at this time. Slope winds act to change the character of the jets during the course of a day, especially at Syrtis Major and the Hellas basin, where slopes are large. Vertical mixing acts to decrease low-level winds during the late afternoon. The sensitivity of the results to atmospheric dust loading is examined. We finally show how a decrease in boundary layer height due to due to dust loading actually augments mid-afternoon jet strength near the surface. The resulting increase in maximum surface stress indicates that this is a positive feedback to dust lifting.
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  • Joshi, M.M., Haberle, J.R., Barnes, J.R., Murphy, J.R., and Schaeffer, J., 1997, Low-level jets in the NASA Ames Mars general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102, Pg. 6511–6523.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 102
Journal Issue/Number
  • E3
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This work was also supported by NASA Grant RTOP 154-20-80-16.
  • 0148-0227



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