
Outcomes are in the Eye of the Beholder: The Influence of Affective Dispositions on Disconfirmation Emotions, Outcome Satisfaction, and Enjoyment

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  • The purpose of the current research is to examine the influence of affective dispositions and the sequencing of affective and cognitive responses to mediated entertainment. Affective dispositions are manipulated so as to match a liked competitor against one who is disliked. The results indicate that viewers’ emotional responses and assessments of satisfaction with a win or loss were dependent on competitor liking. A hedonic reversal occurs in viewer disconfirmation emotions (relief and disappointment) and satisfaction judgments based on outcome desirability. A desirable (undesirable) outcome was one in which a liked (disliked) competitor won or a disliked (liked) competitor lost. We also find evidence of mediated moderation such that competitor liking moderates the mediating effect of relief and disappointment on outcome satisfaction following an outcome. Outcome satisfaction, conceptualized as a cognitive judgment in our model, is then positively related to viewer enjoyment of the overall experience. Additionally, our hypothesized model was found to outperform two competing models. The results elucidate the complex intertwining of affect and cognition in predicting viewer enjoyment of mediated entertainment.
  • Keywords: outcome satisfaction, emotion, affective dispositions, enjoyment
  • Keywords: outcome satisfaction, emotion, affective dispositions, enjoyment
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Date Issued
  • Bee, C., & Madrigal, R. (2012). Outcomes are in the eye of the beholder: The influence of affective dispositions on disconfirmation emotions, outcome satisfaction, and enjoyment. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 24(4), 143-153. doi:10.1027/1864-1105/a000072
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 24
Journal Issue/Number
  • 4
Rights Statement
Peer Reviewed



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