
State of the California Current 2013-14: El Niño Looming

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  • In 2013, the California current was dominated by strong coastal upwelling and high productivity. Indices of total cumulative upwelling for particular coastal locations reached some of the highest values on record. Chlorophyll a levels were high throughout spring and summer. Catches of upwelling-related fish species were also high. After a moderate drop in upwelling during fall 2013, the California current system underwent a major change in phase. Three major basin-scale indicators, the PDO, the NPGO, and the ENSO-MEI, all changed phase at some point during the winter of 2013/14. The PDO changed to positive values, indicative of warmer waters in the North Pacific; the NPGO to negative values, indicative of lower productivity along the coast; and the MEI to positive values, indicative of an oncoming El Niño. Whereas the majority of the California Current system appears to have transitioned to an El Niño state by August 2014, based on decreases in upwelling and chlorophyll a concentration, and increases in SST, there still remained pockets of moderate upwelling, cold water, and high chlorophyll a biomass at various central coast locations, unlike patterns seen during the more major El Niños (e.g., the 97–98 event). Catches of rockfish, market squid, euphausiids, and juvenile sanddab remained high along the central coast, whereas catches of sardine and anchovy were low throughout the CCS. 2014 appears to be heading towards a moderate El Niño state, with some remaining patchy regions of upwelling-driven productivity along the coast. Superimposed on this pattern, three major regions have experienced possibly non-El Niño-related warming since winter: the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and offshore of southern California. It is unclear how this warming may interact with the predicted El Niño, but the result will likely be reduced growth or reproduction for many key fisheries species.
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  • Leising, A. W., Schroeder, I. D., Bograd, S. J., Bjorkstedt, E. P., Field, J., Sakuma, K., ... & Peterson, J. (2014). State of the California Current 2013-14: El Niño Looming. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 55, 51-87.
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Journal Volume
  • 55
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Andrew W. Leising was partially funded through NOAA’s Fisheries and the Environment (FATE) program.Ichthyoplankton collections off the Oregon Coast were supported in part by NOAA’s Stock Assessment Improvement Plan (SAIP) and Fisheries and the Environment (FATE) programs, as well as from a grant through the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA).Financial support was provided by the NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program Grants NNX-09AT01G (M. K.), National Science Foundation (grant OCE-1026607 to the CCE LTER Program).Funding was provided by the National Marine Fisheries Service.
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