
Table Beet Yield and Boron Deficiency as Influenced by Lime, Nitrogen, and Boron

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  • Yield, occurrence of root canker (B deficiency), and leaf nutrient concentrations of the Morse strain of ‘Detroit Dark Red’ table beet (Beta vulgaris L.) as influenced by combinations of lime and N, B, and P fertilizers were evaluated in three studies. Greatest total yields and most favorable distribution of root sizes for processing occurred with 280 kg N/ha and at soil pH of 6.6. Boron and P did not affect yield but B application reduced incidence of root canker. High rates of N application also reduced canker even though the production of large roots, which are more susceptible to canker, was increased by high rates of N. In the presence of soil-applied B, high rates of N increased beet leaf B concentration. Application of lime tended to decrease leaf B concentration but increased canker incidence only in the absence of applied B. Liming increased P and decreased Mn concentration of leaves. The yield response to lime application may be attributed in part to reduction of Mn toxicity.
  • Keywords: Mn, P, root canker, Beta vulgaris L., Ca
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Date Available
Date Issued
  • Hemphill Jr., D. D., Weber, M. S., & Jackson, T. L. (1982). Table Beet Yield and Boron Deficiency as Influenced by Lime, Nitrogen, and Boron. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 46(6), 1190-1192.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 46
Journal Issue/Number
  • 6
Academic Affiliation
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Pacific Northwest Plant Food Association.
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