
Implementing a Graduate-Level Research Data Management Course: Approach, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned

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  • INTRODUCTION: As data-driven research becomes the norm, practical knowledge in data stewardship is critical for researchers. Despite its growing importance, formal education in research data management (RDM) is rare at the university level. Academic librarians are now playing a leadership role in developing and providing RDM training and support to faculty and graduate students. This case study describes the development and implementation of a new, credit-bearing course in RDM for graduate students from all disciplines. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM: The purpose of the course was to enable students to acquire foundational knowledge and skills in RDM that would support long-term habits in the planning, management, preservation, and sharing of research data. The pedagogical approach for the course combined outcomes-centered course design with active learning techniques. Periodic course assessment was performed through anonymous student surveys, with the objective of gauging course efficacy and quality, and to obtain suggested modifications or improvements. These assessment results indicated that the course content and scope were appropriate and that the active learning approach was effective. Assessments of student learning demonstrated that all major learning objectives were achieved. NEXT STEPS: Information derived from the student surveys was used to determine how the course could be modified to improve student experience and the overall quality of the course and the instruction.
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  • Whitmire, A. L. (2015). Implementing a Graduate-Level Research Data Management Course: Approach, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 3(2), eP1246. doi:10.7710/2162-3309.1246
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  • 3
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  • 2
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Peer Reviewed



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