
Bird records for the Saddle Bag Mountain area of Lincoln and Tillamook Counties

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  • The results of 703 observations are given; most of these were made in the 1930's by James Macnab, Jane Claire Dirks-Edmunds, Dorothy McKey-Fender, and others. These results are the most comprehensive throughout the year for any site above 1,000 ft in Lincoln County and hint that bird communities at sites above 1,400 ft are less diverse than sites nearer sea level. However, many more systematic observations throughout the year are needed to elucidate the significance of elevation on bird diversity. Two marshes on Saddle Bag Mountain are the only locations where Common Snipe appear to nest in Lincoln County.
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  • Bayer, R. D., J. C. Dirks-Edmunds, J. A. Macnab, and D. McKey-Fender.1994. Bird records for the Saddle Bag Mountain area of Lincoln and Tillamook Counties. Journal of Oregon Ornithology 3:261-310.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 3
Table of Contents
  • Chap. 1. Introduction to this Article pg. 261-- Chap. 2. Records at a 1,400-1,500 ft Station in Lincoln County by Macnab, Dirks-Edmunds, and Others pg. 264-- Chap. 3. Records along Trail M at 1,400-2,400 ft in Lincoln County by Macnab, Dirks-Edmunds,and Others pg. 279-- Chap. 4. Records along Trail G at 840-1,400 ft in.Lincoln County by Macnab, Dirks-Edmunds, andOthers pg. 280-- Chap. 5. Records along Trail F at 840-880 ft at the Tillamook/Lincoln County Border by Macnab,Dirks-Edmunds, and Others pg. 286-- Chap. 6. Records along Trails I or II at 615-880 ft in Tillamook County by Macnab, Dirks-Edmunds,and Others pg. 292-- Chap. 7. 1985-1990 Records at 2,500-2,800 ft in Lincoln County by Bayer and Others pg. 302-- Acknowledgments pg. 310-- Literature Cited pg. 310
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  • 1746862 bytes
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  • Master files scanned at 600 ppi (256 Grayscale) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9080C in TIF format. PDF derivative scanned at 300 ppi (256 Grayscale), using Capture Perfect 3.0, on a Canon DR-9080C. CVista PdfCompressor 3.1 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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