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Overview of small scale fisheries data collection in Tanzania

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  • In developing countries, small scale or artisanal fisheries catch data-collection systems, are not performing satisfactorily. This is due to the systems not giving out what is needed for assessing the appropriate fisheries, policy and management decisions, tracking the trends of exploitation of fishery resources and the overall performance of existing fisheries management measures. It is, therefore, essential for the management agencies that the most appropriate and accurate information for management of the fishery resources be continuously collected, processed, analyzed and provided in a timely manner. In fisheries, reliable and accurate information is crucial because only well informed decision makers can make good decisions on fisheries resource exploitation. The complex multi-species, multi-gear tropical fisheries in developing countries, including Tanzania, are poorly understood thus characterising the landings from these fisheries is often impossible using conventional approaches. The data collection in this particular cases are not reliable, inaccurate and takes long time to be reported as such they can-not be used in policy and planning, budgeting and management measures. Struggle for better data collection system, started from total enumeration, followed with sampling by space and time with gear as a primary sampling unit then shifted to boat as a sampling unit. Currently, mobile data collection system is introduced with boat and gear combination as a primary sampling unit. The system provides tangible result that is accurate, reliable, timely and efficient in reporting. This paper therefore, provide case study on Tanzanian data collection system to current situation of using mobile system which shows efficiency
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  • Seattle, Washington, USA
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