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Evaluating the Social Impacts of Eco- and Ethical Fish Labeling on Small-scale Producers in Senegal

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  • This paper provides an overview of ongoing work undertaken in Senegal to understand the implications of fisheries certification on the octopus value-chain. It analyses the opportunities to increase social and economic benefits for poorer groups and to establish a more gender sensitive approach to eco labelling through the implementation of upgrading strategies addressing equity gaps. It will describe the octopus value chain and give details on how the introduction of certification, such as an eco- or ethical fish label, may affect different actors in the chain and their ability to capture benefits. Over the past few years there has been a large increase in the interest for eco- and fair trade labelled produce, and there is increasing interest both by the fisheries themselves to gain market access and by international buyers who are keen to protect their reputation on responsible sourcing. While there are a number of potential benefits of certification including a promotion of sustainable fisheries management and increased investment in development, there are also a number of challenges, potential unintended consequences and social and economic elements that will not be addressed by certification. For instance, octopus certification is constrained by the limited number of countries exported to and the interest of buyers to produce certified and ethical labelled octopus. This research provides an analysis of the key issues in Senegal related to the proposed octopus certification. It also proposes responses to encourage a pro-poor and gender sensitive approach through supporting upgrading strategies that will be explored within the ongoing project.
  • KEYWORDS: Fisheries economics, Octopus, Small-scale fisheries, Eco-labels, Fisheries certification, Sustainable fisheries management, Value chain, Senegal, Ethical procurement
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  • Tindall, Charlotte, Papa Gora Ndiaye, Katrien Holvoet and Moustapha Kebe. 2008. Evaluating the Social Impacts of Eco- and Ethical Fish Labeling on Small-scale Producers in Senegal. 12 pages. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 22-25, 2008, Nha Trang, Vietnam: Achieving a Sustainable Future: Managing Aquaculture, Fishing, Trade and Development. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2008.
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  • US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Division, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada; Aquaculture CRSP and AquaFish CRSP; Minh Phu Seafood Corporation; Vietnam Datacommunication Company (VDC); Camau Frozen Seafood Processing Import Export Corporation (Camimex); Long Sinh Limited Company; Mai Linh Group and Nam Viet Corporation.
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