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Bumpy or smooth road ahead in compliance with European Union regulations? Challenges and opportunities for smoked catfish export from Nigeria

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  • Trade in smoke dried fish is driven by demand from Africans in the European Union (EU) and United States.The EUhygienepackage follows the principles ofthe farm to table promoted by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) andwasdesigned to protect the health and safety of consumers as well as addressing animal welfare, plant health and environmental protection.Nigeria canexport all forms of fishery products to the EU community except aquaculture products.EU rules have become more stringent and in the case of aquaculture products include compliance with raw material traceability, existence of an aquacultureresidue plan on heavy metals, contaminants, pesticides and veterinary drugs. Presently, the country is still in the process of adopting requirements to meet the EU regulations on quality control for farmed products.This paper is exploratory in nature and focuses on the smoked catfish export being mostly an aquaculture produce. Large consignments of smoked fish have been rejected due to mould growth, insect infestation, inappropriate packaging and occurrence of contaminants. Huge public investment is required for setting up a certification system and update administrative provisions, monitoring technologies and sanitary control. Consideringthis, Nigeria is challenged with inadequate technical infrastructure for environmental management of aquaculture. Therefore, what are implications for small-scale commercial catfish farms and fish processors in smoked catfish export in overcoming these technical barriers within a short period?What should be the roles of the State and regulatory agencies in surmountingthese obstacles?
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  • Seattle, Washington, USA
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Peer Reviewed



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