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Crayfish management in the Ljungan river: Managing with shocks

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  • The noble crayfish fishery in the Ljungan river system in Sweden has been subjected to two major shocks; hydropower development in the 1970s, which reduced water flow throughout the system with attendant effects on the crayfish stocks, and an outbreak of crayfish plague in the 1990s which wiped out the noble crayfish in most of the river system. Differing ownership structures for the fishing rights in different parts of the river system have led to different management systems, ranging from sole private ownership through management by fishermen's associations through to effective open access fishing. We study how these different systems of management have affected the crayfish, and compare the outcomes to those from the hydropower development in the 1970s.
  • KEYWORDS: Environment, Natural Disasters, and Recovery, Special topics, Fisheries economics
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  • Stage. J. and J. Zimmerman. Crayfish management in the Ljungan river: Managing with shocks. Visible Possibilities: The Economics of Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 16-20, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Edited by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2012.
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  • AQUAFISH, USAID, NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency, Norad, The World Bank, Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam, NAAFE, World Wildlife Fund, United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, ICEIDA, JICA, JIFRS, The European Association of Fisheries Economists, International Seafood Sustainability Foundation, Elforsk
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