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The Role of IIFET in Building Human Capital for 21st Century Fisheries Management

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  • The nations of the world confront complex challenges in managing fisheries resources in the 21st century. While attention focuses on the need for new institutional ideas, designing and implementing effect governance may be imperiled by inadequate investment in the human capital needed to lead, innovate, and manage. Economics, which integrates social, biological, and policy attributes of a fishery, is increasingly recognized as a core discipline, essential to system level decision-making. Building human capital requires leadership and cooperation from the highest levels of national and international authorities. however, management agencies are overwhelmed by challenges that hinder attention to capacity building, and professional organizations rarely focus on rigorous fishery management education. Ideally, and international organization or consortium would be charged with facilitating fishery management training at regional and national scales. Is there a role for IIFET in progressing this goal and assuring the integration of economics in capacity building frameworks? IIFET may be uniquely positioned to contribute in defining training competencies and methods relevant to rigorous integration of economics in initiatives for building human capital.
  • KEYWORDS: Fisheries Education, managers, training, human capital, Fisheries economics
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  • Harte, Michael James, Gilbert Sylvia, Laura Jodice. 2004. The Role of IIFET in Building Human Capital for 21st Century Fisheries Management. Peer Review: No. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 20-30, 2004, Tokyo, Japan: What are Responsible Fisheries? Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2004. CD ROM. ISBN 0-9763432-0-7
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