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Production constraints and the impact of globalization on inland fishing products in Mexico

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  • Inland fisheries in Mexico represent a source of protein, income and employment, for rural communities. Although the most consumed fish in the country are fresh water fishes in the national statistics they only account for 3% of the total fish catch volume (marine fisheries account for 97%). Demand is higher than supply and the national market can only provide 50% of this consumption. These fisheries are currently passing thorough a complex situation that prevents increasing production levels and fishers' income. Considering a value chain analysis approach, this paper aims to examine main production constraints to increase production to satisfy national demand. Fieldwork was carried out in two periods of a three month lapse during 2011 and 2012 on four lakeside communities around two different lakes: Lake Chapala, the largest in the country and Lake Yuriria, one of the first reservoirs created in modern Mexico. Catch volume statistics were obtained from local fishing offices, fishers' cooperatives and middlemen. The methodological approach considers socioeconomic factors and catch volume temporal variability in both lakes. Results show that production constraints, besides being environmentally related, also have roots in organizational problems among fishers, IUU fishing, structural factors related to national policies and the import market. Thus, while national production is trying to mature and improve within a problematic framework, imports are imposing prices that affect national producers' competitiveness.
  • KEYWORDS: Management: Efficiency Analysis, Fisheries Management, Fisheries economics
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  • Pedroza, Carmen and J. López. 2014. Production constraints and the impact of globalization on inland fishing products in Mexico. In: Towards ecosystem based management of fisheries: what role can economics play?: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 7-11, 2014, Brisbane, Australia. Complied by Ann L. Shriver & Melissa Errend. Corvallis, OR: International Institute of Fisheries.
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  • Fisheries Research & Development Corporation, World Wildlife Fund, MG Kailis Group, AquaFish Innovation Lab, NOAA Fisheries, The European Association of Fisheries Economists, Japan International Fisheries Research Society, United Nations University, NORAD
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