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Marine Reserves and Quotas as Fisheries Management Tools: When does Marine Reserve Creation Pay?

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  • This paper explores the issue of using marine reserves in combination with quotas as fisheries management tools. The underlying biological dynamics are described by a patchy environment model, in which a metapopulation is built up by linked sub-populations that are distributed across a set of spatially discrete habitats or patches. The size of each sub-population depends on its own specific population dynamics, which is described by the logistic growth function, and dispersal from other patches. The rent generated by fishing on the total population, using optimal quotas as a management tool, is compared to the rent from the fishery when managed with quotas and a marine reserve. This is done under two different assumptions regarding the type of dispersal mechanisms between the subpopulations in the different patches: A source-sink system (unidirectional flow of individuals) and density dependent migration. The cost per unit harvest is assumed to be lower in the patches open to fishing when the fishery is managed by quotas and a reserve than in the same patches when the fishery is managed by quotas solely. It is shown that the rent maximizing management strategy will vary, depending on the characteristics of the dispersal rates linking the sub-populations and the degree of stock dependent harvesting costs.
  • KEYWORDS: metapopulation model, Marine reserves, Ecosystem & Oceans Policy Approaches to Fisheries Management, & Marine Resources for Recreation & Tourism, Fisheries economics, optimal quotas
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  • Reithe, Siv. 2002. Marine Reserves and Quotas as Fisheries Management Tools: When does Marine Reserve Creation Pay? In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, August 19-22, 2002, Wellington, New Zealand: Fisheries in the Global Economy. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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