Conference Proceedings Or Journal

Wolf Creek Monitoring

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  • The Wolf Creek Restoration and Monitoring project is a large-scale restoration project that treated over 10 miles of stream with 900 logs and 3700 boulders over a two year period. Wolf Creek is a tributary to the Umpqua River west of Roseburg, Oregon. This presentation, designed for those involved in watershed (in-stream) restoration activities and monitoring, describes the monitoring effort associated with this project and how working with multiple partners has resulted in a robust, multifaceted monitoring approach, which will examine the effectiveness of improving aquatic habitat through in-stream restoration techniques. We know these techniques work, but how do you measure success? How do you quantify the improvements we make through these efforts? Wolf Creek will attempt to provide some answers to these questions. A summary of the monitoring methods used and some preliminary monitoring results will be presented. Use of total station mapping of restoration reaches compared to control reaches will be highlighted. As well as the use of photo points, stream temperature data, and biological monitoring.
  • Presented at The Oregon Water Conference, May 24-25, 2011, Corvallis, OR.
  • KEYWORDS: Monitoring, Aquatic restoration, Effectiveness
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