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Coastal Areas Household Fish Demand and Supply Assessment in Nigeria: “Any Future Threat or Hope?”

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  • This study accessed household fish demand and supply in the coastal Areas of Ondo State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used. The study areas were purposively selected because it falls along the coastal areas of the country. Three villages/towns where fishing activities are dominant were randomly selected while 60 respondents were also randomly selected and interviewed using structured questionnaire. Both primary and secondary data were used. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was also used to get raw data from respondents. Data were analyzed descriptively using Kobo collect method. The result of socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents revealed that most of the respondents were within the active age group of 26-50 years. Most of the respondents (72%) were female and 60% of the respondents were married. The household size of (1-3) members recorded the highest percentage (33%). 60% of the respondents had formal education, 61% of the respondents engaged in other occupation apart from fishing. 37 species of fish were found during the course of the study, tilapia species (32%) and croaker fish (27%) were the most captured fishes. Croaker fish (47%) is of the highest demand. The study revealed that fish supply cannot meet with the demand of fish as a result of over-fishing as well as environmental and human factors prevailing in the area. It is therefore recommended, that Government should intervene, through enforcement of fishing regulations/laws. There should be general sensitization on the effects of over-fishing both to the fisher folks and the water body for economic sustainability.
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  • Seattle, Washington, USA
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Peer Reviewed



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