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  • One of the most important issues discussed in Nigeria today is that of women participation in agricultural development. This is because of the important role played by them in national development and most needs of any developing nation of the world today. This study focused and examined gender inequalities issues in fish farming in southwestern, Nigeria. The work examined, if women participate fully in fish farming as men do, if men and women have equal right to access economic resources and control of fish farming benefits and the influence of selected socio-economic characteristics of women and men. A multi- stage sampling technique was used in the capital cities of the six states in Southwestern, Nigeria by random selection of 80 fish farmers (40 male farmers and 40 female farmers) due to few numbers of female fish farmers. The study was carried out with the use of well structured interview schedule to obtain the necessary data. Both descriptive and inferential analytical tools were employed. Probit analysis was employed to investigate the determinants of women and men participation in fish farming in the study area. The findings of this study provided information on the level of access to resources by gender and how it can impact fish production. It also provided useful information to policy makers on how to address the complex issues related to gender inequalities and food security.
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