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Marketing, Distribution and Consumption of Frozen Fish in Anyigba Metropolis of Kogi State, Nigeria

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  • The study was carried out in Anyigba metropolis in central Nigeria to analyse the distribution, marketing and consumption of frozen fish. Twenty (20) retailers and 60 consumers were randomly selected for questionnaire administration. Descriptive statistics, marketing margin analysis, the gross margin approach to profitability analysis and regression analysis were used. Findings revealed that frozen fish trade was largely in the hands of young uneducated women and was profitable. It was also revealed that most consumers preferred Ethmalosa fimbriata (bonga fish) on account of its low price. The Market margin analyses show a good motivation for continuity in the business although there is need for caution in pricing as consumption of frozen food in the area was price elastic in the fashion of normal goods. Regression results revealed that increase in factors like amount spent on meat, price, income and transportation cost reduced the level of fish consumption while increase in years of schooling, family size and age were positively related to fish consumption. Patronage of Fish in the area appears to be high judging from the profitability level of the trade. Some of the problems militating against the trade include poor power supply, high storage cost and poor road network. Recommendations made include among others, improvement in power supply, encouragement of adult education so as to increase effectiveness of the trade and encourage consumption by consumers, and introduction of other species of frozen fish in order to increase consumers’ choices. Key words: frozen fish, marketers, profitability, determinants, consumption
  • KEYWORDS: Fisheries economics, Markets & trade, Markets: Value Chains
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  • Ogbe, F.G., U. Onuche & A. Danjuma. Marketing, Distribution and Consumption of Frozen Fish in Anyigba Metropolis of Kogi State, Nigeria. In: Visible Possibilities: The Economics of Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 16-20, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Edited by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2012.
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Table of Contents
  • abstract (page 1), introduction (page 1) problem statement (page 2), materials and method (page 3), results and discusion (page 4):Socio-Economic Characteristics of Frozen Fish Retailers (page 4),Distribution Channel for Frozen Fish in the Study Area (pge 6), Species of Fish Sold in Anyigba Area and Preferences, (pge 6), Market Margin Analysis (pge 7),Profitability of Frozen Fish Retailing in the Study Area (pge 8),Socioeconomic Characteristics of Frozen Fish Consumers in the Study Area (pge 8),Factors that Determine the Levels of Fish Consumption (pge 9), Problems Confronting Frozen Fish Trade in the Study Area (pge 10) conclusion and reccomendation (pge 11), refrences (pge 11)
Rights Statement
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • AQUAFISH, USAID, NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency, Norad, The World Bank, Hyatt Regency Dar es Salaam, NAAFE, World Wildlife Fund, United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme, ICEIDA, JICA, JIFRS, The European Association of Fisheries Economists, International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
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