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Multi-dimensional performance evaluation of a fishermen association in Sarawek [extended abstract]

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  • Fishermen associations play multiple roles in increasing the welfare of artisanal fishermen. These roles include helping fishermen to improve their marketing activities, develop post-harvest processing activities and enable fishermen to receive better prices for their catch and processed products. However, the performance of Malaysian fisheries association is considered poor compared to Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Fishermen face many challenges in marketing of fish and improving their welfare. The performance of fishermen association in Malaysia has not been systematically studied using any performance indicators. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of fishermen association in Asajaya, Sarawak, Malaysia. A detailed case study of fishermen association in Asajaya, Sarawak is demonstrated and 113 fishermen are interviewed for this purpose. Five aspects of fishermen association’s performance are measured namely marketing, members involvement, infrastructure, financial resources support and government support on non-financial resources. The findings indicate that the fishermen association need to improve the marketing of fish and fish products and require more government support for non-financial resources. The non-financial resources include house reconstruction, better fishing nets and equipment and better vessels for fishermen to harvest fish and improve their livelihood and income.
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  • Penang, Malaysia
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