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Flood Forecast Modeling of the Willamette Basin Using HEC-CWMS and HEC-ResSim

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  • WEST Consultants, Inc. (WEST) worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) to enhance the flood forecasting capability and management strategies for the Willamette Basin. Specifically, WEST was contracted by the HEC to modify the existing HEC-ResSim model of the Willamette Basin. Reservoir operation schemes were updated and the resolution of data inputs and outputs were increased to better represent flood control, fish passage, and power production operations. This new HEC-ResSim model was incorporated into the Corps’ Water Management System (CWMS) at the Portland District, for real-time simulations during flood events. The USACE Portland District is interested in using the HEC-ResSim within the CWMS to predict the amount of rise expected at the Willamette Basin Reservoirs and to enhance their decision-making regarding controlled releases from the reservoirs during flooding events. The new CWMS model operates in real-time, and uses forecasted flows from the NOAA-National Weather Service River Forecast Center as input to predict releases from the projects and resulting flow at stream gages. The model spans eleven counties, contains thirteen flood control reservoirs ( three are re-regulating projects), and has a basin area of over 11,000 square miles. WEST configured, calibrated, validated, and tested the ResSim component and stress-tested the overall CWMS model to confirm the real-time forecasting capabilities. The presentation demonstrates the final ResSim model with calibration and validation results, and how the model was incorporated into HEC-CWMS for real-time flood forecasting.
  • Presented at The Oregon Water Conference, May 24-25, 2011, Corvallis, OR.
  • KEYWORDS: real-time flood forecasting, reservoir regulation, hydrologic modeling
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