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Economic Incentives For Wetland Biodiversity and Fish Conservation: The Case of Chalan Beel (Wetland)

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  • Chalan Beel, a wetland situated in the North Western Bangladesh is a very potential wetland with immense biodiversity and fisheries value. Its management problem has engulfed with suggestions ranging from private leasing, joint administration by public representation and government and community based approaches. However, nothing sustainable so far emerged concerning bio diversity and mother fishery conservations. In the midst of this uncertainty an approach based on economic incentives can be a way out to conserve biodiversity. Incentives are placed to influence people’s behavior by making objects more desirable for conservation rather than degrade and deplete it. Economic activities many ways harm biodiversity as it may sometime sounds economically profitable from individual point of view and existence of different failures leading to externalities. Since economic incentives for biodiversity and fisheries conservation can take various forms, the appropriate incentives depend on a wide range of factors, including social, political and economic. Any form of management needs augmentation of clear understanding of right economic signals so that efficient level of resources is utilized. Since the issue is a complex one different incentive have been analyzed with their relevant costs and benefits conducting surveys among the stakeholders where the options based on market based ones have better chance to conserve rare fishery spices and bio diversities rather than using Command and Control ones. For resource valuation Benefit Transfer Method has been used.
  • This is a research paper originally presented at the conference as a poster.
  • KEYWORDS: Fishing Sector Behavior and Activities, Posters, Fisheries economics
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  • Rahman, A. Economic Incentives For Wetland Biodiversity and Fish Conservation: The Case of Chalan Beel (Wetland).In: Visible Possibilities: The Economics of Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 16-20, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Edited by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2012.
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