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Russian and Baltic states fishery developments

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  • While accurate information about developments in the fisheries of the former USSR is somewhat difficult to obtain, certain trends have been remarked on by Russian, Baltic State[1], and international observers, and some data is available to support them. The objective of this research is to collect, assess, crosscheck, analyze, and collate the information winch is available, and to draw conclusions about important recent trends in the development of the fisheries and markets of these states. Data and reports were collected in all of the usual ways, but also through several newer methods which enabled the author to collect recent "gray" (unpublished) literature. These involved posting questions to several electronic lists focussing on these geographic areas and corresponding electronically with helpful and knowledgeable individuals in order both to gather informal assessments and request more formal, written reports [2]. Searching the World Wide Web, also proved a fruitful exercise, as, several useful documents containing both opinion and data were found. Due to the difficulty in acquiring current, accurate, official data on these countries, the importance of the "results" of this research lie both in the body of the paper, and perhaps more than usual, in its bibliography
  • KEYWORDS: Fisheries development, Seafood production, Seafood markets, Sectoral analysis
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  • Shriver, Ann. 1996. Russian and Baltic states fishery developments. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 1-4, 1996, Marrakech, Morocco. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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