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Microeconomic influence of Marine Environment Conditions on Red Seabream Fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar

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  • This paper is aimed at determining the impact of the variability of marine environment conditions on the capture of a vessel that exploit the red seabream fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar. This paper estimates first and second order elasticities of a Translog approximation of a Stochastic Distance Functions of multiple outputs assuming time unvarying technical efficiency in order to get this aim. The evidences that sea surface temperatures have influence on growth and maturation and on the development of hermaphroditic gonads of different kinds of seabream support the consideration of sea surface temperatures as an approximation of the variability of marine environment conditions. Additionally, the growth pattern of red seabream provides meaningful information of this fish species that justifies looking in the relation between landings or red seabream abundance, and sea surface temperatures during spring with a lag of no less than two seasons.This paper concludes that technical efficiency of red seabream fleet is of 88% in period 2002-2004 and that an increase of 1% of mean sea surface spring temperature lagged 2 seasons results on a 27.50% decrease of captures. This paper also concludes that the relationships between the marine environment factors and the evolution of red seabream exploited fish stock take place a couple of year before the season and therefore the expected recruitment is known before it. This allows the policy-maker to design an adaptive management strategy accounting these relationships for a certain season once the historical evolution of the marine environment factors is known.
  • Keywords: Fisheries and Environment, Fisheries Economics, Fishery Management
  • Keywords: Fisheries and Environment, Fisheries Economics, Fishery Management
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  • Castilla Espino, David, Elena Bago Sotillo and Juan José García del Hoyo. 2010. Microeconomic influence of Marine Environment Conditions on Red Seabream Fishery of the Strait of Gibraltar. 10 pages. In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 13-16, 2010, Montpellier, France: Economics of Fish Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems: Balancing Uses, Balancing Costs. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2010.
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  • US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Division, Agence Française de Développement, Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Ministère de L’Alimentation de L’Agriculture et de la Pêche, Ministère de l’Énergie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer, La Région Languedoc Rouslilon, Département Hérault, Montpellier Agglomèration, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, and AquaFish Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP).
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