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  • In Senegal, fisheries management has long been tried and positive results have been achieved only in fishing villages where the community has taken the initiatives. However, it is necessary for the administration and a research organization to play certain roles in fisheries management for such management to be effective. From this point of view, and with the technical cooperation provided by JICA, fisheries co-management activities have been conducted along the coast of the country and important results obtained. These are: (1) scaling up of fisheries co-management from the single village to the regional level (11 villages); (2) increasing of the target resources by including Octopus vulgaris, Cymbium pepo, C. cymbium, Sepia officinalis, Epinephelus aeneus, Cynoglossus senegalensis, etc.; (3) involving fishing enterprises which willingly bring financial supports to fishermen’s activities; (4) collaborating with the World Bank and USAID in the field of fisheries co-management; and (5) attracting the neighboring countries such as Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau and Mauritania, so as to extend the Senegalese experiences in West Africa. The difficulties lying ahead are: (1) the fisheries resources are still not rehabilitated; (2) the government policy on fisheries co-management has not yet been formalized; and (3) the involvement of consumers in fisheries management has not begun.
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