Conference Proceedings Or Journal

The creation of shared value by exploiting synergies of marketing and management tools in seafood sector

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  • The concept of shared value has been defined as those policies and operating practices that enhance the competitiveness of a company while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in the communities in which it operates. This concept has guided a coordinated process of stakeholders’ engagement to consolidate the economic sustainability and competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture sectors through the PrimeFish project. This approach, framed in the social innovation, states that the creative use and combination of resources can pursue opportunities to catalyse social change and address social needs and challenges. In particular, the strengthening of competitiveness has been addressed through innovative choices and configurations by four key ways: reconceiving products and markets; redefining productivity in the value chain (e.g. energy use and logistics, resource use, distribution, labour productivity, location); enabling local cluster development; and better understanding of the socio-economic realm. For this purpose, the PrimeFish project grouped several industrial organizations from sectors of catching fisheries, aquaculture, processors, trade and retailers of seafood who actively participate as an advisory board, communicating their interest and needs, and receiving the science and technology developed for evolving from the corporate social responsibility to the creation of shared value. The conclusions of PrimeFish contribute to the strengthening of seafood markets by several combinations of value proposals and thereby trigger positive feedback loops on the performance of the seafood markets and support the decision making of the stakeholders related.
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  • Seattle, Washington, USA
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Peer Reviewed



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