Conference Proceedings Or Journal

Economic Performance of UK Scalloping Fleet: Did New Effort Restrictions Cause a Downturn in Profits?

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  • Scallop fishing was in effect a regulated open acceess fishery in UK until 2012 when the Western Waters management regime was implemented, limiting the maximum effort for the UK fleet of over 15m vessels  and, via the UK government, limiting effort per vessel over 15m. This analysis identifies the main drivers of the economic performance of the UK scallop sector in ICES Area VII and examines the link between implementation of Western Waters management regime (effort restriction) in the area and deterioration of economic performance of the sector. Prompted by calls from an industry group to show that profits had decline since the effective implementation of the effort liimits, analysis was based on individual vessel data on all trips undertaken by UK over 15m vessels that landed any amount of king scallops in the calendar year during the period 2006 to 2014 and annual fleet economic performance time series containing information on costs (fishing costs and other costs) and revenues for the UK fleet at vessel level. The results show the increase of fishing preasure in 2006-2010 followed by decline in of costs and earnings per unit of effort in 2012-2014. The decline in costs was driven by the reduction in fuel prices and the decline in revenues was driven by decline in technical efficiency of scalloping (LPUE). The changes in spatial effort allocation due to effort restriction were also observed during the analysis.
  • Proceedings of the Eighteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, held July 11-15, 2016 at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Center (AECC), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
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  • Challenging New Frontiers in the Global Seafood Sector: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 11-15, 2016. Compiled by Stefani J. Evers and Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET), Corvallis, 2016.
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Conference Location
  • Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
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Peer Reviewed
  • 0976343290



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