
Willamette River Floodplain 100 Meter Slices Framework Geospatial Data

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  • The Slices Framework is intended for use in making decisions about conservation and restoration in the Willamette River floodplain. It makes use of distinct spatial units for tracking change in the floodplain. The first of these units are 1 kilometer long slices drawn at right angles to the floodplain, first put forward in the Willamette River Basin Planning Atlas (Ch. 8 pp. 131-147 in Hulse, Gregory and Baker 2002). The second of these units are 100m subdivisions of the original 1 km slices, with ten 100m slices in each 1 km slice. Together, they cover the entire pragmatic floodplain of the Willamette River. We define the pragmatic floodplain as the zone subject to periodic flooding that is bounded by significant infrastructure (e.g. highways, residential areas, etc.). This framework is intended to support the assessment, planning, and monitoring of conservation and restoration activities within the Willamette River floodplain. These activities may include reconnecting historical channels that have been blocked and allowing the river to flood certain locations from which it is now normally excluded. Since restoration activities that would require disruption of significant constructed assets, roads, residential and commercial areas, and others, are infeasible, the spatial extent of this framework is narrower, primarily in the section between Eugene and Albany, than the historical floodplain. This geospatial dataset contains the slice spatial and attribute data reporting amounts of key processes and patterns by slice and how they vary over time.
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Date Issued
  • Hulse, D., Enright, C., & Branscomb, A. (2017). Willamette River Floodplain 100 Meter Slices Framework Geospatial Data (Version 1) [Data set]. University of Oregon. Institute for a Sustainable Environment.
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Hydrologic Unit Code
  • 1709
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Project funded by the Meyer Memorial Trust and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board


