
Instruments to explore the adoption of good data management practices through a variation of the UTAUT model.

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  • This dataset features three types of content, all related to the article Llebot, C. Rempel, H (2021) Why won’t they just adopt good research data management practices? An exploration of research teams and librarians’ role in facilitating RDM adoption. First, we include three tables defining fictional personas. Second, one worksheet. Third, the translation of one of the tables of the article in Spanish and Catalan. (1) Personas. The tables have information on the three personas: Sunita Bose, Melissa Gonzalez and David Li. These three personas are fictional, created to conceptualize differences in research groups. Sunita is the Principal Investigator (PI) of a small research group, Melissa is the PI of a medium group, and David is the PI of a large group. Each table includes information about the PI experience, the personality and group culture of the team, the disciplinary research culture, and the funding sources of the team for two different scenarios. Each table includes a conclusion on which scenario would be less likely or most likely to adopt good data management practices. These fictional personas have been used as a guiding thread to adapt the Unified Theory of the Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to explore the variables that influence whether a research team will adopt good research data management practices or not. (2) Worksheet. The worksheet is a table with three questions that can be used by librarians to inventory institutional research data services offerings, determining gaps, and identifying library stakeholders to fill those gaps. (3) Translations. Three versions of a table that shows an inventory of research data services in institutions, classified as transversal services, group services and one-on-one services. The three versions are translations in English (EN), Catalan (CA), and Spanish (ES).
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  • Llebot, C., Rempel, H. G. (2020) Instruments to explore the adoption of good data management practices through a variation of the UTAUT model. (Version 1) [Dataset]. Oregon State University.
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