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The problems and issues of implementing the Federal Water Project Recreation Act in the Pacific Northwest

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  • Research Goals: The research has sought to identify and assess the problems and issues of implementing a water policy act in the states of Washington and Oregon. Congress intended first and foremost.that the Federal Water Project Recreation Act (hereinafter the Act or PL 89-72) devolve upon nonfederal entities increased planning, management, and financial responsibility for recreation and/or fish and wildlife at Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation projects authori­zed during and since 1965. The research attempts to assess a small part of a much larger problem facing the country: that of bow to successfully fit, i.e. implement, national legislation to state and local levels. While fitting national legislation of many types to state and local levels may be difficult in a country as large and diverse as the United States, it is suggested that implementing water policy legislation may well be particularly challenging due to the physical complexities of water, to the multiple and often conflicting demands for its services, and to the characteristic disconformity of units of supply, juris­diction, and demand.
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  • 29348962 bytes
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