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Atlas of the Pacific Northwest : ninth edition

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  • What is the foggiest place on the Pacific Coast? Where is the "grass seed capital of the world"? What is the fastest-growing minority population in the Northwest? What percentage of Idaho's population hold fishing licenses? Northwest natives and newcomers can turn to the Atlas of the Pacific Northwest for answers — and for a wealth of other information about the region. The Atlas of Pacific Northwest has been respected for nearly fifty years as the standard reference book on Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. This new edition has been completely revised and updated to include the most recent information, incorporating data from the 2000 census, in an easy-to-use format. In addition to over 200 insightful maps, graphs, and tables (many in full color and, for the first time, all created digitally), the Atlas contains 18 authoritative essays by leading experts on topics ranging from climate to tourism, from land use to ocean resources. The Atlas is a unique resource: an invaluable reference tool, an excellent teaching aid, and a handy introduction to the character of the region. No other single volume provides more comprehensive and up-to-date information about the natural environment and human activities in the Pacific Northwest. The new edition documents recent growth and change in the three states. It helps us to better understand the past and to plan for the future. No Northwest library, classroom, business, or household should be without a copy.
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Date Issued
  • Jackson, P., & Kimerling, A. Jon. (2003). Atlas of the Pacific Northwest (9th ed.). Corvallis, Or.: Oregon State University Press.
Non-Academic Affiliation
Table of Contents
  • Population / Robert D. Thompson, Jr.
  • Energy resources and distribution / Steven R. Kale and Alex Sifford
  • Soils / Julia A. Jones
  • Minerals and mining / Peter Wampler
  • Land use / Philip L. Jackson
  • Landforms and geology / Charles L. Rosenfeld
  • Water resources / Keith W. Muckleston
  • Hunting and fishing / Gordon E. Matzke
  • Climate / Philip L. Jackson
  • Forest resources, ownership, and harvest / J. Douglas Brodie
  • Cultural-historical geography / Robert Kuhlken
  • The region / Philip L. Jackson
  • Ocean resources / James W. Good
  • Agriculture / Philip L. Jackson
  • Manufacturing and service industries / William B. Beyers
  • Vegetation / Robert E. Frenkel
  • Transportation / Steven R. Kale
  • Outdoor recreation resources and tourism / Ann L. Root
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  • 9780870715624



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