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  • Academic institutions, as well as private corporations, have taken on the responsibility of building institutional repositories in order to collect, manage, archive and provide access to the intellectual work taking place on their respective campuses. Over the years, building or procuring a repository has become fairly straightforward. Filling it hasn't. Convincing faculty and academic units to contribute their research and scholarship is still a struggle for most repository owners and requires equal parts determination, imagination and perspiration. Join four repository managers from OSU, PSU, WSU and Kaiser Permanente as they share their experiences attempting to fill the repository. Attendees will leave this session with practical strategies for working with campus stakeholders as well as unusual and novel approaches to gathering content. After their individual 5-10 minute talks, the presenters will answer directed questions from the moderator and audience.Academic institutions, as well as private corporations, have taken on the responsibility of building institutional repositories in order to collect, manage, archive and provide access to the intellectual work taking place on their respective campuses. Over the years, building or procuring a repository has become fairly straightforward. Filling it hasn't. Convincing faculty and academic units to contribute their research and scholarship is still a struggle for most repository owners and requires equal parts determination, imagination and perspiration. Join four repository managers from OSU, PSU, WSU and Kaiser Permanente as they share their experiences attempting to fill the repository. Attendees will leave this session with practical strategies for working with campus stakeholders as well as unusual and novel approaches to gathering content. After their individual 5-10 minute talks, the presenters will answer directed questions from the moderator and audience.
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